
Airport «Pulkovo» is the International Airport in the North-West Federal District of Russia and it is the only airport in St. Petersburg. The high quality of airport services is confirmed by the international certificate ISO 9001:2008. The new terminal «Pulkovo-3» should take its first passengers on December 2013. It is bigger than «Pulkovo-1» and «Pulkovo-2» together with a total area of ​​94 thousand square meters. The core of the project of the new terminal «Pulkovo-3» is the energy center with 10 MW power.


Geoclima has faced the necessity:

  • to provide a total cooling capacity of 7 MW;
  • to generate heat, cold for air conditioning and electricity at the same time.


An innovative solution to this problem is represented by two TMH water cooled chillers with Turbocor centrifugal compressors, which provide 7.0 MW of cooling capacity and great performance in terms of EER and ESEER:

  • Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is 7.67 at 100% load;
  • European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ESEER) is 8.78 at 100% load.


The Pulkovo energy center operation is based on the advanced technology named «Trigeneration», that means that it generates:

  • heat;
  • cold for air conditioning;
  • electricity.

This is possible by using two Geoclima Turbomiser chillers, each of which provides 3.5 MW of cooling capacity.